Vitamin Deficiency And Cracked Tongue Remedies

Vitamin Deficiency And Cracked Tongue Remedies 10,0/10 4902votes

Responses to Your Deficiency Status Watchdog azmat Says September 8th, 2012 at 836 am. Join StyleCraze. com Worlds Largest Beauty Community to get solutions to all your Beauty queries and stay upto on the latest Beauty Trends. Vitamin B12 foods benefit several bodily functions, helping support adrenal and nervous system functions. See how to benefit from taking the B12 vitamin. I have had cracked tongue for years. Deep crevase almost divides it. There are bumps, red spots, burning like fire and also the roof of my mouth. Casio Fx 5800P Surveying Programs there. Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms, Benefits, Food Sources. Folic Acid Folate Folacin Folic Acid Details. Importance Benefits of Folic Acid. Functions important for lowering risk of heart attacks and strokes by preventing build up of homocysteine in the blood lowers homocysteine level which decreases risk of dementias and osteoporosis related bone fractures considered a brain food involved in production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin that regulate the brain in areas like appetite, mood, sleep needed for energy production needed for metabolism of amino acids and synthesis of proteins important for DNA replication and healthy cell growth and function especially critical during stages of rapid cell replication and growth essential for proper development of the fetus during pregnancy and protects against birth defects important in red blood cell formation and to prevent anemia promotes healthy skin and nails protects the linings in body cavities like the mouth and intestinal tract supplements may be used to treat ulcers of the leg preliminary studies suggest that folate may help prevent breast, cervical and pancreatic cancer may improve symptoms of vitiligo loss of skin pigment when used with vitamin B1. Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms. Folic acid deficiency symptoms may include megaloblastic macrocytic anemia characterized by breathlessness, heart palpitation, insomnia, irritability, forgetfulness, lethargy, stomach disorders, pallor and sensitivity to cold chronic muscular fatigue or general weakness affects production of neurotransmitters, leading to symptoms of irritability, hostility, non senile dementia, confusion, insomnia, mental fatigue, depression, and nervous system problems of the hands and legs skin disorders like seborrheic dermatitis and vitiligo loss of pigment leading to white patches on the skin gastrointestinal tract problems like periodontal disease, gingivitis, mouth and peptic ulcers, and digestive upsets swollen or sore or smooth red tongue glossitis cervical dysplasia, leading to greater risk of cervical cancer from factors such as smoking and HPV infection premature grey hair higher blood levels of homocysteine and risk of heart disease deficiency can slow overall growth rate of infants and children low birth weight or premature infants, and neural tube defects resulting in severe brain or neurological damage of the fetus. Vitamin Food Sources. Foods high in Folic Acid areorgan meat like animal liver or kidney legumes peas and dried beans such as adzuki beans, black beans, cranberry beans, chickpeas or garbanzo beans, dal, kidney beans, lentils, mung beans, navy beans, pinto beans dark green leafy vegetables including asparagus, beets, broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, mustard greens, parsley, romaine lettuce, spinach, turnip greens. Other Folic Acid food sources includeavocadoes bananas cantaloupe citrus fruits like oranges and lemons dates egg nuts papaya poultry and pork root vegetables like okra salmon shellfish tuna wheat bran wheat germ whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat yeast vegetables such as cabbage, green peas, leeks, red bell peppers, squash, string beans, tomatoes. Go to Top of Page  Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B1. Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Vitamin P Biotin Choline Folic Acid Inositol PABA Coenzyme Q1. Complete list of health benefits of every vitamin, vitamin deficiency symptoms, and food sources.