Games To Play While Smoking Weed
Stoner Smoking Games ИЯ ЯИ Me and my Homies made up a lot of stoner smoking games ill post them up and see what yall think and to see if yall play them. J and see who can hold a hit thelongest and the person who has the longeast holdfore the size hit they took gets to hit it twice on the next rotationsee instead of beiong punished like w drinkin you getrewarded by gettin to smoke more. Bong. Pong You first need a minumum of 6 bongs,preferably 1. Then you divide into teams of 2 4, theneach team packs their bongs, when you get a pong ballin the bong, your team gets to smoke that bong unlikebeerpong where when you get the ball in the cup theopposite team has to drink the beer. Play can notresume intill your team has finished smoking all theweed packed in the bong. Then continue playingwhen a team has smoked all the bongs on theother side, both teams finish the left over bongstogether. TAKE THAT DRUGyou need an assload of drugs then you write down a bunchof really incredibly stupid dares and put them in a hat. Learn the difference between several games like our simulator and different online mobas. You and another person challenge eachother to takedifferent combos of said drugs or alcohols or do the dare. Mushrooms, JD, a bong, X, and anything else you wantare the only game pieces. The Rizla Game. Take a bucket, large bowl or a cup or mug. Stick together enough papers to cover the top. Stick the papers over the top of the cup, making a paperlid, so that it is tight. Put a coin in the centre and your ready to play. Roll a few spliffs ready. How To Detox Your Body From Smoking Weed Tips For Burning Belly Fat How To Detox Your Body From Smoking Weed Burning Fat Not Losing Weight Which Fruits Burn Belly. Do you want to know what happens to your body when you quit smoking Minutes after you put away cigarettes, some amazing things start to happen. Each person in turn takes a tokeof the joint and then makes a hole in the papers, the cantblow out the smoke till they have made their hole. The loser is the person holding the joint when the pennydrops. If the hole they make side burns, or isnt a perfecthole, they have to make another. If they drop a hotrock, its two more. When the penny drops theyve got 3 attempts to put it back. I was wondering, the other night about a week and a half ago, I was smoking weed and it was a sunday. I have been smoking weed for awhile now I have not responded. How To Lose Weight Smoking Weed Metabolic Weight Loss Morristown Nj How To Lose Weight Smoking Weed Medical Weight Loss Clinic Roswell Ga Weight Loss Fitness Plan. Online marijuana games, weed games. The Best Most Unique Weed Games On the Web. PLAY ALL 10 OF OUR WEED GAMES. We usually decide on a forefit before hand, usually the threeingredients which is any three ingredients not including waterthat the loser has to drink. The thinner the paper the less it burns. Autodesk Maya 8.5 Full. Dunno why this isbut thin papers give a good long game. LIKE A SCHOOL BUS. Me and my buddies bought a 5 foot acrylicwater bong for 4. Colors Its basically holding your breath until thebongbluntbowljointetc comes back to you. It getsyou really high, really fast. Good Morning Dave Wav File. California Elevator This is particually for a bong. First,crouch down and start to hit the bong. As you hit it, suckharder and slowly stand up and then right as you pull outthe male piece, stand all the way up really quick. The headrush and the smoke all at once is intense. California High This is wierd, and Ive only done it once. You need 2 people for this one. Do the same first step to the. California Elevator, crouch down. Start breathing heavily untilyou get a little light headed. Take a big hit from whateveryoure smoking out of, hold your breath, and stand up really fast. This is when the second person comes in. They have to sort ofchoke you until you pass out. The smoke gets trapped in yourlungs when youre passed out. Its kinda sketchy, thats why. Games To Play While Smoking Weed' title='Games To Play While Smoking Weed' />Ive only done it once. Theres a game called baseball. You take it a hit,pass it, and have to hold it until it comes back too u. If uexhale before that then your out and you keep going untilthere is only one person left. Musical Joints. Ive actually played this, but with pipes, its easier, but joints sounds cooler. Basically like musical chairs. You have 1 less joint thanpeople playing ie 5 people playing, 4 joints and then startmusic. When the music stops, the first 4 people to grab thejointpipebong get to hit it. Pretty simple, but fun as hell,unless you lose. Cops and Dealers. Ok, you need at least four or five people for this game. First, take a deck of cards. Pull out a single Aceand a single jack. Set aside all other face cards. Now,take one numbered card for every player, minus 2 so if you have 8 players, you will have 6 numbered cards,plus the ace and the jack. Now, deal one card to each person. Do not tell anyonewhich card you got. The person who receives the jack is the drug dealer. The person who recieves the Ace is the cop. Now, you must have a loaded bong in the center ofthe circle of people. Now, you go on with your normal party activities. Eat, drink, make conversation, etc. At this time, the drug dealer will try to make dealswith the other players. The drug dealer will makeeye contact with another player, preferably while noone else is looking, and will wink. If the player is notthe cop, then that player waits 1. A deal has been made, and then takesa toke off the bong in the center, being careful to keepthe identity of the dealer a secret. Meanwhile, of course, the cop is keeping a lookout forany possible winking, and if he sees a wink occur, orif the dealer winks at the cop, then the dealer is busted,and the cop gets to finish the bowl. The dealers goal is to give everyone a tokewithout getting caught by the cop. You role a fat blunt or joint and pass it around u need 4 or more people for it to be fun. Get pairs of people, one guy and one girl each pair. And each guygirl takes a hit from a bong and deliversit to the opposite sex, sorta like a shotgun, and whoevercomes out with the biggest hit in the end wins. Have a judge or two 1. Red eye. This is, the smoking circle as a whole needsto be at least 3 makes it harder to play and you have to takehits that are in comparable size with the others. If the othersjudge that youve been cheating by not taking a proper sizedhit or breathing through your nose then you need to pack thenext bowl and you forfeit the first two hits off it. Taxi. In order to play Taxi, you must first choose the numberof tokes hits to take per turn. Two tokes is a goodstarting point. Gather everyone into a circle and havethe first player hit the joint. Player 1 will then pass thejoint to the left without exhaling. Each player must holdtheir breath until the joint works itself around the entirecircle and back to himher. If any player fails to hold theirbreath laughs, chokes, etc. Traffic Lights. This game is very similar to Taxi, but is best played withonly two players. The first player takes one toke and thenhands the joint to the second player who also takes one toke. Each round, the number of hits is increased by one. For example,on Round 4, each player will be taking four hits before theypass the joint. Just like Taxi, each player must hold theirbreath until it is their turn to toke again. Band Game. Players start by sitting in a circle as in Taxi. The first person says the name of a bandsingerpopgroup or any musical performer. He then takes a tokeand passes to his left. The second person must nowthink of a band beginning with the last letter of theband just mentioned. For example, if the first personsaid Marilyn Manson, the second must say somethingbeginning with N such as Nirvana. The player holdingthe joint has ten seconds to answer. If he fails, he mustcrock five tokes on the joint. If you dont know what acrock is, read the explanation at the bottom of the page. If the next person names a band beginning with the wrongletter, a name has already been said, or a name that is notcorrect, that player must crock 1.