Easter Monday On The White House Lawn Pdf Files
Estes. Truth. org. Introduction Kathy Asche, Spokesman District resident, taxpayer, business owner, concerned. MSNBC/Components/Video/100405/x_dc_nn_eggroll_100405.blocks_desktop_large.jpg' alt='Easter Monday On The White House Lawn Pdf Files' title='Easter Monday On The White House Lawn Pdf Files' />For Mr. White Please let the record reflect that the. More would have liked to attend. However, there isnt adequate room for the public and PHD business is. The purpose of this group is to make it clear that the Estes. Valley community has lost its faith in the leadership of the Park. Hospital District. The Board of Directors is elected to serve the. PHD, its taxpayers, and the community. The beloved Buttercup Bag sewing pattern is now free in both sizes To get your very own copy, please sign up for my newsletter Once youve confirmed your. Easter Monday On The White House Lawn Pdf Files' title='Easter Monday On The White House Lawn Pdf Files' />Some members of the. CEO have violated the communitys trust. In. order to rebuild community faith, you are called upon to immediately. Terminate Interim CEO, Mr. Mark Gregson. 2. Require and accept Ms. Easter Monday On The White House Lawn Pdf Files' title='Easter Monday On The White House Lawn Pdf Files' />Now that summer is fading into fall and theres less time to be outside in the sunshine enjoying the best type of games, lawn games, people are starting to think. Lenten tradition. The Easter egg tradition may also have merged into the celebration of the end of the privations of Lent in the West. Historically, it was. Oct 27, 2017. Newspaper keeps stepping in its own Nearly 2 weeks ago, the Trail Gazette took a swipe at Park Hospital District board candidate Bert Bergland as. In late May, a yellow Chevrolet Corvette Z06 smashed into a tree in Michigan, leaving an expensive car in utter pieces. At first, it was a bit of a mystery who the. Diana Van der Ploegs resignation. Board of Directors. Require and accept the resignations of any and all other. Board that support Mr. Gregsons and Ms. Van der. Ploegs positions in leadership. As you can see, a large group of taxpayers and citizens are. Park Hospital District. The. Park Hospital District is accountable to the taxpayers of the District. The PHD Board of Directors works for the taxpayers. We lack confidence in. Interim CEO, Mark Gregson, and current board President Diana Van der. Ploeg. Mr. Gregson has exercised poor judgement regarding personnel decisions. With just weeks to go until the new, permanent. CEO arrives Mr. Gregson should be focused on ensuring a smooth. Instead he has ignited a public relations firestorm in the. He has undermined staff morale. He has created a difficult environment for the incoming permanent CEO. It doesnt. matter if the public doesnt have all the facts. It only matters that. Gregson does not understand the Estes Park area community and our perception. Mr. Gregsons position as Interim CEO was contracted with. However, we have not been able to locate evidence of his. Windows Recovering Orphaned Files. Perhaps we. have overlooked it We understand that his contract for services. Whether he is an independent. No formal. action may be taken while in executive session according to C. R. S. 2. 4 6 4. Further referenced as C. R. S. Approval of a contract, and. C. R. S. to have taken any of these actions in executive session. Mr. Gregson engaged a management company to evaluate the. Estes Park Medical Group. Usually a contract of this scope and. Mr. Gregsons short term status with the organization. Again there is no. There is no record indicating Mr. Gregson followed best practices. Documentation. regarding issuing Requests for Proposals RFP and competitive bidding. In summary, Mr. Gregson needs to be relieved of his position. District and our community. We are concerned about an obvious lack of transparency in. Park Hospital District board. Arguably, the district is following. The communitys lack of confidence also. Board members do understand their roles and the. Meeting Minutes are not very clear and they record. One example is the Minutes from the 53. Mark Gregson moved to adjourn from Open Session at 3 4. The CEO is not an elected Board Member and should not be making motions. There was no motion to move into Executive Session. Yet. there is note of an Executive Session having occurred. Absent the appropriate procedures to go into Executive Session, any discussions that occurred in such a session would be a. C. R. S. 3. There is no record of the Executive Session adjourning. Open Session. Yet there is recorded action in. Action items must occur in Open Session. There is a final motion to adjourn at 4 2. Why is. there a need for an adjournment from a 2 nd Open Session when there. Or, why is there an adjournment from an Executive Session when there is no documentation that is was properly convened in the first. It appears there are a lot of matters being handled in. Executive Session. We question the legality of this practice given the Boards. Executive. Session. Our community lacks faith that the board is limiting itself to. All matters that are being handled in Executive. Session could be in violation of C. R. S. given the inconsistent application of. Executive Session. Please note, according to the Minutes, Ms. Van der Ploeg and. Mr. Levine were absent from this meeting on 53. But dont blame the newly. What a. disservice to the new board members And how irresponsible to have left. District in this position. It would have been simple and. The president is no more important than any other Board. Board of Directors Policy 3 states the Board President can. Board on issues designated by the Board but cant make. Board absent the entire Board. Ms. Van der Ploeg. EPMC Board of. Directors to correspondence from the public indicating she is. In addition, members of the board are violating their own. Board policies. As an example, Board of Directors Policy 3. Board President shall serve no more than 2 successive. Ms. Van der Ploeg was President when the policy was approved at the. Minutes of that meeting. Diana Van der Ploeg was nominated for a 3 rd term as president and. Board policy. It appears then. Board of Directors polices apply to her. At the May 3. According to the April 2. Minutes, Mr. Chuck Levine was appointed as the sole member of the. The definition of a committee is a group of. Mr. Levine is a single individual. As a continuing board member, Mr. Levine is responsible for. President. Yet he nominated Ms. Van der Ploeg any. It is irresponsible that this has occurred because it appears to. Board policy. Another community concern is the number of CEOs and turnover. This indicates to the public. Board lacks the understanding of what qualifications are required. CEO. We also believe it was inappropriate for. Ms. Van der Ploeg to serve as a board member and a short term Interim. CEO at the same time. The District seems to suffer from clerical errors in some of. Please note the District. Transparency Notice that is on the EPMC website indicates election results are. Secretary of State website. Special District election. They are published with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Another example of a clerical error is an incorrect address for Ryan. White on the official canvassing results of the election. In summary, Ms. Van der Ploeg needs to resign from the Board. Board, and. violation of Board policies. If Mr. Levine supports Mr. Gregson and Ms. Van der Ploeg in. Mr. Levine should also resign from the Board. This community will not have confidence in him either. Should Ryan White still be on the board of directorsWhy. He met the. requirements to be a Director at the time of his self nomination, and the. A Director is required to be an eligible elector that is a. REGISTERED VOTER of Colorado and either A resident of the District for. The owner of taxable real or personal. A search of the Larimer County Records shows Mr. White does not own property in the county. Property that is owned. LLC, partnership, or. Trust does not qualify a person as an eligible elector on the. I point this out because Mr. Whites. L. L. C. does not own the property where he lives. A Directors office shall be deemed vacant upon the. Sec. 3. 2 1 9. 051, C. R. S. Reasons. that could be applied to Mr. White are 1 Failure to meet the qualifications of Director because. Failure to remain qualified for the office because he. Mr. White appears to simply be using Estes Park as his. His address of record doesnt really rise to the level of a. His new profession requires he be absent for long periods of time. He is out of touch with the District and our community. Free Buttercup Bag Sewing Pattern.