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Airspace class Wikipedia. The worlds navigable airspace is divided into three dimensional segments, each of which is assigned to a specific class. Most nations adhere to the classification specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO and described below, though they might use only some of the classes defined below, and significantly alter the exact rules and requirements. Similarly, individual nations may also designate special use airspace SUA with further rules for reasons of national security or safety. Abbreviations used in this articleeditAbbreviation. Full Name. Description. ATCAir Traffic Control. A service provided by ground based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace, and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non controlled airspace. The primary purpose of ATC worldwide is to prevent collisions, organize and expedite the flow of air traffic, and provide information and other support for pilots. ATZAerodrome Traffic Zone. Circular zones around an airport with a radius based on the length of the runway. CTAControl Area. A controlled airspace extending upwards above the earth from a specified lower limit to a specified upper limit. CTRControl Zone. A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a specified upper limit. FLxxx or FL xxxFlight Level. Defined as a vertical altitude at standard atmospheric pressure, nominally expressed in hundreds of feet. Flight levels are usually designated in writing as FLxxx, where xxx is a two or three digit number indicating the pressure altitude in units of 1. In radio communications, FL2. The phrase flight level makes it clear that this refers to the standardized pressure altitude. ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization. A specialized agency of the United Nations. It codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. IFRInstrument Flight Rules. A set of regulations that concern flying by reference to instruments in the flight deck, and where navigation accomplished by reference to electronic signals. MATZMilitary Aerodrome Traffic Zone. A version of ATZ for military air bases. SVFR or Special VFRSpecial Visual Flight Rules. A set of aviation regulations under which a pilot may operate an aircraft. Its a special case of operating under visual flight rules VFR where a VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions that are poorer than visual meteorological conditions. TCATerminal Control Area. A control area normally established at the confluence of ATS Routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes. TMATerminal Manoeuvring Area. Download Modio 3 Gametuts Sign Up'>Download Modio 3 Gametuts Sign Up. A designated area of controlled airspace surrounding a major airport where there is a high volume of traffic. TRSATerminal Radar Service Area. A delimited airspace in which radar and air traffic control services are made available to pilots flying under instrument flight rules or optionally visual flight rules for the purposes of maintaining aircraft separation. VFRVisual Flight Rules. A set of regulations under which a pilot operates an aircraft in weather conditions generally clear enough to allow the pilot to see where the aircraft is going. ICAO definitionseditOn March 1. ICAO adopted the current airspace classification scheme. The classes are fundamentally defined in terms of flight rules and interactions between aircraft and air traffic control ATC. Generally speaking, the ICAO airspaces allocate the responsibility for avoiding other aircraft, namely either to ATC if separation is provided or to the aircraft commander if not. Some key concepts are Separation Maintaining a specific minimum distance between an aircraft and another aircraft or terrain to avoid collisions, normally by requiring aircraft to fly at set levels or level bands, on set routes or in certain directions, or by controlling an aircrafts speed. Clearance Permission given by ATC for an aircraft to proceed under certain conditions contained within the clearance. Traffic Information Information given by ATC on the position and, if known, intentions of other aircraft likely to pose a hazard to flight. Flight Rules Aircraft can operate under visual flight rules VFR or instrument flight rules IFR. There is also an intermediate form, special visual flight rules SVFR. ICAO adopted classificationseditNote These are the ICAO definitions. Country specific adaptations such as two way communications instead of clearance for Class C in the US are discussed in the sections below. Class A All operations must be conducted under IFR. All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance. All flights are separated from each other by ATC. Class B Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance. All flights are separated from each other by ATC. Class C Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance country specific variations notwithstanding. Aircraft operating under IFR and SVFR are separated from each other and from flights operating under VFR, but VFR flights are not separated from each other. Flights operating under VFR are given traffic information in respect of other VFR flights. Class D Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. All flights are subject to ATC clearance country specific variations notwithstanding. Aircraft operating under IFR and SVFR are separated from each other, and are given traffic information in respect of VFR flights. Flights operating under VFR are given traffic information in respect of all other flights. Class E Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. Aircraft operating under IFR and SVFR are separated from each other, and are subject to ATC clearance. Flights under VFR are not subject to ATC clearance. As far as is practical, traffic information is given to all flights in respect of VFR flights. Class F Operations may be conducted under IFR or VFR. ATC separation will be provided, so far as practical, to aircraft operating under IFR. Traffic Information may be given as far as is practical in respect of other flights. Class G Operations may be conducted under IFR or VFR. ATC has no authority but VFR minimums are to be known by pilots. Traffic Information may be given as far as is practical in respect of other flights. Special Airspace these may limit pilot operation is certain areas. Consist of Prohibited areas, Restricted areas, Warning Areas, MOAs military operation areas, Alert areas, Controlled firing areas CFAs all on can be found on the flight charts. Classes AE are referred to as controlled airspace. Classes F and G are uncontrolled airspace. The table below provides an overview of the above classes, and the specifications for each. Class. Controlled. IFRSVFRVFRATC Clearance. Separation. Traffic information. AControlled. Yes. Download Video Di Youtube Dengan Hp Android on this page. No. No. Required. Provided for all flights. NABControlled. Yes. Yes. Yes. Required. Provided for all flights. NACControlled. Yes. Yes. Yes. Required. Provided for all IFRSVFR to IFRSVFRVFRProvided for all VFRDControlled. Yes. Yes. Yes. Required. Provided for IFRSVFR to other IFRSVFRProvided for all IFR and VFREControlled. Yes. Yes. Yes. Required for IFR and SVFRProvided for IFRSVFR to other IFRSVFRProvided for all IFR and VFR flights where possible. FUncontrolled. Yes. No. Yes. Advisory only.